Category Archives: CUBA United Nations

Presenta cartas credenciales nuevo Representante Permanente de Cuba ante Naciones Unidas

Presenta cartas credenciales nuevo Representante Permanente de Cuba ante Naciones Unidas en Nueva York
Nueva York, 16 de octubre de 2020. En ceremonia virtual, debido a las condiciones de trabajo que ha impuesto la pandemia de la COVID-19 en la sede de la ONU, presentó hoy sus cartas credenciales el nuevo Representante Permanente de Cuba ante las Naciones Unidas, Embajador Pedro Luis Pedroso Cuesta.
Pedroso Cuesta es graduado del Instituto Superior de Relaciones Internacionales “Raúl Roa García” (1987); y Master en Defensa Nacional.

Ha sido miembro de las delegaciones cubanas a distintos períodos de sesiones de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, a múltiples reuniones y Conferencias Internacionales, entre las que se encuentran las Conferencia de Naciones Unidas sobre Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo y sobre los Pequeños Estados Insulares en Desarrollo. Tuvo una amplia participación en las negociaciones sobre cambio climático.
Se ha desempeñado también, como Subdirector de Asuntos Multilaterales y como Director General de Asuntos Multilaterales y Derecho Internacional de la Cancillería cubana.
Ha cumplido misión permanente como Embajador de Cuba en la República de Kenya y Representante Permanente ante el Programa delas Naciones Unidas sobre Medio Ambiente y UN-HABITAT.
En el momento de su nombramiento ejercía como Representante Permanente de la República de Cuba ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra y otros Organismos Internacionales, con el rango de Embajador.
(Cubaminrex- Misión Permanente de Cuba ante Naciones Unidas)

President Díaz-Canel sends letter to UN Secretary-General

President Díaz-Canel sends letter to UN Secretary-General
“The moment and common sense demand that the international community set aside political differences and seek joint solutions to global problems through international cooperation”

Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdezjune 26, 2020 14:06:17

Havana, June 26, 2020

Year 62 of the Revolution

Your Excellency Mr. Antonio Gutérres

United Nations Secretary-General New York

Your Excellency:

Seventy-five years after the member states of this organization signed the United Nations Charter, strict adherence to its purposes and principles, to international law and the preservation of multilateralism are more important than ever.

We are facing multiple crises as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, with devastating effects, visible in all spheres of society, expected to last and aggravate pending global challenges.

The international panorama is increasingly complex. Conflicts and the arms race are proliferating. Non-conventional wars for the purpose of domination, acts of aggression, unilateral coercive measures, the manipulation and politicization of human rights and disrespect for the self-determination of peoples are intensifying. Multilateralism is attacked, international agreements ignored and the role of organizations such as the UN and the World Health Organization is discounted.

At the same time, the current unjust international economic order deepens inequality and underdevelopment; while increasing poverty, hunger, marginalization and limited access to essential services, such as health care.

The moment and common sense demand that the international community set aside political differences and seek joint solutions to global problems through international cooperation.

It is the duty of all to keep the commitments we made when we signed the UN Charter, which continues to be an enduring, universal and indispensable basis for promoting a just, democratic and equitable international order that responds to the demands of the peoples of the world for peace, development and justice, and contributes to meeting the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.

I take advantage of the opportunity to reiterate, to your Excellency, the assurance of my highest consideration and esteem.

Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez

President of the Republic of Cuba



Posted by Alejandro Fole | Sep 24, 2019 | Headlines | 0 |







Cuban Chancellor rejects speeches by Trump and Bolsonaro

On September 24, the high-level debate period of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly, which will last for a week at the headquarters of New York, United States, began mid-morning.

This year’s objective corresponds to ‘Boosting multilateral efforts for the eradication of poverty, the quality of education, action against climate change and inclusion’, as established by the United Nations.

Pronouncements of representatives of the 193 member countries are planned, including more than 90 heads of state. And as is tradition since 1955 the president of Brazil opened the debates, with the address of Jair Bolsonaro, who was followed by the speech of Donald Trump.

The session of that deliberative body, however, has been going on since September 17 and there are several global issues that have been addressed among them regarding climate change … We ask Irma Shelton, who follows the development at the United Nations, as Have the discussions been so far? What speeches have excelled?

This debate session began with the speech of the president of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro, who assured before the General Assembly of the United Nations, that it is “a fallacy” to say that the Amazon “is a World Heritage Site and a lung of the world”. Not only that, of the almost 30 minutes he spoke I dedicate more than 5 minutes to speak aggressively against Cuba and Venezuela… Let’s go listen for a minute of what he said

This speech had immediate reactions and one of them corresponded to that of the Cuban Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla.

On his Tweter page, the Cuban Foreign Minister wrote:

“I strongly reject Bolsonaro’s slander about # Cuba and international medical cooperation. Delirium and long for the times of the military dictatorship. It should deal with corruption in its justice, government and family system. It is the leader of the increase in inequality in Brazil ”

After Bolsonaro Trump spoke who said he was not going to the UN but finally traveled to New York and appeared the day before in the session dedicated to the weather and today spoke after Bolsonaro in the session that started the debates … We have some what he said? The Cuban Foreign Minister wrote something very nice and forceful in relation to Trump’s speech … Look at this. Inadmissible accusations Pdte Trump vs. #Cuba and Venezuela. Use of lies characterizes its management. Monroist and macartist. He speaks like an emperor. 165 congressmen ask for his impeachment. Try to distract the world and Americans. Bored, does not compete with Greta Thunberg #UNGA Now Irma, we talked about the different sessions that took place since the 17th at the United Nations … Without a doubt one of the most popular was the one on the eve and that had to do with the weather Yes, today they transcend in the social networks, in the news of the world the forceful words of the Norwegian activist of only 16 years, Greta Thumberg, who also made a “fulminating look at the US president, Donald Trump, when he entered the Palace of Glass in the framework of the UN Climate Summit. We prepared a small video with this look that went viral on the networks and a fragment of Greta’s speech.

The cameramen immortalized Greta’s reaction to the tycoon, who ignores her while she looks at him with a grimace. The NowThis news organization, quoted by the Italian news agency Ansa tweet, follows: ”If an image is worth more than 1000 words, then this GIF is worth 100,000 ″ ´.