Category Archives: assassination attempt: President Maduro

Maduro shows his strength, looks death in the face

Maduro shows his strength, looks death in the face
The self proclaimed T-shirt Soldiers group claimed responsibility for the August 4 attack on the Venezuelan President’s life

Author: Misión Verdad |
august 10, 2018 15:08:40

Venezuela’s President during an event celebrating the 81st anniversary of the Bolivarian National Guard.







Photo: NET

During an event attended by thousands on Bolivar Avenue in the city of Caracas, on the occasion of the 81st anniversary of the Bolivarian National Guard, two drones exploded close to the Presidential stand, as the country’s head of state was finishing his speech to the crowd.

According to police accounts, the nature of the explosive material the drones carried was confirmed when they crashed. “Unofficial” sources told an opposition journalist named Román Camacho that the artifacts contained C4 plastic explosives.

Minutes after the explosions, a group calling itself Soldados de Franelas (T-shirt Soldiers) took credit for the attack. They have been linked to the now-defunct paramilitary CICPC (Scientific, Penal and Criminology Research Corps) led by Óscar Pérez, which at the end of last year carried out several armed attacks on civilian and military institutions in the country, publicly taking credit on social media.

This acknowledgement on their part invalidated the narrative disseminated about a “self-attack” or an “isolated explosion” in a building adjacent to Bolívar Avenue, which some operatives on social media, and international news outlets like the Associated Press, have attempted to present, to distract attention from the perpetuators and shield those responsible.

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Nicolás Maduro: Here is the evidence on the failed assassination attempt

Nicolás Maduro: Here is the evidence on the failed assassination attempt
During a nationally radio and TV broadcast, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro presents evidence regarding the failed attempt on his life that occurred this past August 4
Author: Granma |
august 9, 2018 10:08:12







Photo: AVN
During a national radio and TV broadcast, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro presented evidence regarding the failed attempt on his life that occurred this past August 4.
There are still suspects at large, including Rayder Alexander Russo Márquez, residing in Colombia, and Osmán Alexis Delgado Tabosky, a U.S. resident, both being sought by Venezuelan justice, reported teleSUR.
Juan Carlos Monasterios, one of the suspects, was arrested and has provided details regarding who, in Colombia, hired, trained, and financed the attack. He revealed that also involved was Venezuelan deputy Juan Requesens, now under arrest.
What the evidence shows thus far:
A drone was taken into the Cipreses business center by group calling itself Bravo, and up to the 10th floor by terrorists trained at the Atalanta farm in Chinacotá, in the Colombian municipality of Santander.
They had observed preparations for a July 24 parade in the Venezuelan state of Carabobo, as well as one on July 5, and considered carrying out the attack at these events, but decided they were not adequately prepared.
Friday afternoon, they confirmed details of the August 4 event, learning that it would to take place on Bolivar Avenue, not on Los Próceres, and therefore moved the drone. At the same time, a second drone was taken to the Cipreses by another group.
On the day of the attack, the two drones were deployed, the first exploded near the Presidential stand at the event, while the second was disoriented and crashed into the Eduardo building.
Ten minutes after the attack, two persons with the drone remote control were captured, thanks to popular intelligence.
The intellectual authors of the attack also participated in violent actions in 2017, and offered those 50 million dollars and U.S. residency to the individuals who carried out this terrorist act.
All statements by those arrested point toward the Venezuelan opposition leader Julio Borges, who lives in Colombia.