Category Archives: COVID-19 battle

Cuba expands studies of lingering after-effects of COVID-19

Cuba expands studies of lingering after-effects of COVID-19
Nearly one million Cubans have suffered a case of COVID-19, and given the after-effects of the disease, their full recovery is a priority for the country

Author: René Tamayo |
december 8, 2021 11:12:17

The ingenuity and innovative capacity of Cuban science have been key to the medical attention provided COVID patients. Photo: Estudio Revolución
Nearly one million Cubans have suffered a case of COVID-19, and given the after-effects of the disease, their full recovery is a priority for the country.
A study on the comprehensive rehabilitation of patients with post-COVID-19 sequelae, conducted at the 10 de Octubre Surgical Clinical Hospital, was the focus of attention during a meeting, held the last week of November, of Cuban scientists and the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez.
These gatherings have become regular events over the past two years, with scientists and experts involved in research and technological innovation reporting on their work in the battle against the coronavirus.
MSc Yulmis Rodríguez Borges presented partial findings of the study, which included patients who had discharged from the hospital at least two weeks, after testing negative for the virus, who experienced moderate disability as a result of symptoms associated with the disease, among other inclusion criteria.
More than 70% were individuals between 50 to 59 years of age or 60 years and over, reflecting the vulnerability of these sectors of the population, long after being infected.
Among the most frequent symptoms reported by the convalescents were severe exhaustion and fatigue during walking and daily activities, shortness of breath, anxiety, joint pain (dorsal, lumbar, shoulders, knees), insomnia and sleep disorders, depression, voice abnormalities and difficulty swallowing.
The results showed that 90% experienced severe exhaustion and fatigue during walking and daily activities; 70% shortness of breath; and 65% anxiety. Radiologist reported that 81.7% showed ground-glass opacity, and 71.7% had x-rays indicating fibrotic tracts in the lungs. One hundred percent experienced a decline in health-related quality of life indicators.
Rodriguez reported that, after the protocol intervention, functional capacity for daily activities and walking improved in most patients; shortness of breath decreased in 100%, and health-related quality of life indicators increased in seven of eight categories.
He emphasized that the findings validate the need to continue providing follow-up attention to these patients and evaluate their evolution in all the areas identified, over the coming months,
Given the potential impact of the study, the President asked about efforts to disseminate the results.
Dr. Leovy Edrey Semino García, the Ministry of Health’s director of Rehabilitation, explained that this is an example of what is being done across the country to treat the lingering after-effects of COVID-19. Work is underway to improve the care provided these patients, making it more comprehensive, re-evaluating programs, which go beyond physical rehabilitation. We are also investigating the main disabling symptoms and early signs of problems, he added, in order to provide more timely care to these patients, almost one million Cuban men, women, and children.
“While we are evaluating convalescents with different after-effects, from mild to severe,” Dr. Semino continued, “We are also conducting other studies, including those of persons who were not infected, but suffered the effects of prolonged confinement, especially older adults.”
The President insisted on the importance of reaching all convalescents with after-effects. This work requires a multidimensional approach, he said, and should include coordination with the Sports, Recreation and Physical Education Institute (Inder) to provide patients differentiated attention in the areas of physical culture and sports, promoting differentiated exercise programs for older adults and others.

Inmunógenos cubanos producen anticuerpos neutralizantes a todas las variantes de la COVID-19

Inmunógenos cubanos producen anticuerpos neutralizantes a todas las variantes de la COVID-19
«Nuestras vacunas han probado eficacia frente a todas las cepas del virus. Con ellas, y cumpliendo las tres reglas básicas: mascarillas, distanciamiento físico y social e higiene, les aseguro que controlaremos la COVID-19», compartió, desde su cuenta en Twitter, el Primer Secretario del Partido y Presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez

Autor: Redacción Nacional |
19 de agosto de 2021 00:08:58
Se anunció que en la próxima semana se vacunará un millón de personas más.
Se anunció que en la próxima semana se vacunará un millón de personas más.

Foto: Tomada de Twitter
«Nuestras vacunas han probado eficacia frente a todas las cepas del virus. Con ellas, y cumpliendo las tres reglas básicas: mascarillas, distanciamiento físico y social e higiene, les aseguro que controlaremos la COVID-19», compartió, desde su cuenta en Twitter, el Primer Secretario del Partido y Presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez.

En el reciente encuentro con los expertos y científicos que dan la batalla contra la pandemia, se afirmó que los resultados del estudio de Neutralización de sueros de vacunados con Abdala y Soberana 02, frente a las variantes de preocupación e interés de la COVID-19, arrojan que se observan títulos de anticuerpos neutralizantes en sueros de vacunados con Abdala y Soberana 02, a todas las variantes analizadas, incluida la Delta. También se observan en convalecientes vacunados con Mambisa y con Soberana Plus.

Se anunció, además, que en la próxima semana se vacunará un millón de personas más y se incorporarán 22 municipios que arrancarán, entre viernes y sábado, con la inmunización.

Las dosis para este empeño se estarán distribuyendo en el país en las próximas horas. La pasada semana se completó la producción de 20 millones de dosis (dos millones de bulbos) de la vacuna anti-COVID-19 Abdala. (Redacción Nacional)


The Saving Lives Campaign and Global Health Partners are building a broad-based, urgent drive to supply these vital medical tools to Cuba. The country has a shortage of 20 million syringes vital to the goal of vaccinating the entire Cuban population against Covid. We are committed to raising $100,000 this month to start rushing syringes to Cuba.  

Please show your solidarity now with a country that has done so much for the health of its own people, and for struggling communities around the world.

Over the past year alone, Cuba has sent 3,700 health workers, in 52 international medical brigades, to 39 countries overwhelmed by the pandemic. Cuba’s international medical brigades have treated patients and saved lives for the past 15 years in 53 countries confronting natural disasters and serious epidemics, such as the Ebola crisis in West Africa.

Cuba has developed five internationally recognized candidate COVID-19 vaccines, with two in Phase III clinical trials as of April 2021. Cuba has 11.3 million people, but plans to produce 100 million doses of vaccine, to meet its commitment to sharing its low-cost vaccines with poor countries in the developing world.

Help put life saving vaccines into Cuban arms with your generous, tax-deductible donation to our syringe campaign. Your gift today will save lives and show your solidarity with Cuba’s commitment to helping other poor countries fight Covid.

Please send your gift to Global Health Partners, which has a U.S. Commerce Department license to send medical supplies to Cuba. You can make an immediate donation online on this page.

You can also send checks payable to Global Health Partners, with the memo Syringe Campaign, at 39 Broadway, Suite 1540, New York, NY 10006.

Toda la población de Cuba quedará inmunizada este año

Toda la población de Cuba quedará inmunizada este año
Cuba avanza en los estudios para lograr proteger a su población ante la COVID-19

Autor: Dilbert Reyes Rodríguez |
Autor: Maby Martínez Rodríguez |
12 de marzo de 2021 11:03:18

Foto tomada del Twitter de BioCubaFarma
Foto: Tomada de Twitter
La confirmación de que Cuba inmunizará, en 2021, a toda su población contra la COVID-19, y con vacunas propias, es expresión concreta y contundente del aprecio por la vida y el desvelo patrio que mueve a sus hijos por su país.

Lo había dicho el Presidente Díaz-Canel, entre las acepciones con que lo definió: Patria y Vida son cinco candidatos vacunales que llevan en su creación y en sus hermosos nombres la historia de un pequeño país con un pueblo gigante.

Al cabo de una semana en la que comenzó y avanzó en La Habana la fase iii del ensayo clínico de Soberana 02, y se anunció la proximidad de las pruebas con Abdala, el grupo empresarial BioCubaFarma reafirmó el propósito de vacunar, en el transcurso del presente año, a todos los cubanos en el archipiélago.

En Twitter, la entidad rectora de las investigaciones y producciones farmacéuticas nacionales calificó de esencial esta etapa en la que se muestrea el efecto de Soberana 02 en más de 40 000 personas, a fin de completar la confirmación de eficacia y seguridad del candidato cubano más avanzado.

BioCubaFarma también dio a conocer, en la propia red social, que, como parte de la colaboración con otros países en el desarrollo de vacunas contra la COVID-19, se enviaron al Instituto Pasteur, de Irán, 100 000 dosis de Soberana 02, las que se utilizarán en los ensayos clínicos en ese país.

Continue reading Toda la población de Cuba quedará inmunizada este año