Category Archives: Solidarity

Nieto de Allende rechaza exposición de contrarrevolucionaria cubana

Nieto de Allende rechaza exposición de contrarrevolucionaria cubana

Santiago de Chile, 5 jul (Prensa Latina) Pablo Sepúlveda Allende, nieto del expresidente chileno Salvador Allende, hizo hoy un enérgico llamado a suspender la organización de una exposición de la contrarrevolucionaria cubana Tania Bruguera en el museo que lleva el nombre de su abuelo.

En un mensaje al que tuvo acceso Prensa Latina, el médico internacionalista calificó la muestra de una grotesca provocación y un insolente agravio hacia la imagen, la memoria y el legado del presidente de la Unidad Popular.

“No en nombre de Allende”, escribió Sepúlveda, y recordó que Bruguera solo destaca porque su puesta en escena es contraria políticamente a la Revolución Cubana, esa misma Revolución que tanto Allende como millones y millones de personas en Cuba y en el mundo entero admiramos, defendemos y amamos.

“Tanto más grave es la afrenta que comete el Museo de la Solidaridad al realizar esta actividad cuando se cumplen 50 años del asesinato de Salvador Allende”, afirma.

Denuncia el nieto del exmandatario que es una vergüenza tener que brillar y lucrar colgándose de la imagen de Allende pero practicar todo lo contrario, traicionando así los ideales y los principios que el Compañero Presidente vivió ejerciendo y murió defendiendo.

Ideales y principios que son idénticos a los de la Revolución Cubana, dijo, y recordó el inmenso cariño, la indestructible amistad y solidaridad que Salvador Allende tuvo siempre con Fidel Castro, el pueblo cubano y su Revolución.

“Exigimos al Museo de la Solidaridad que no utilicen el nombre de Salvador Allende para cualquier actividad contraria a sus valores, principios e ideales”, demandó.


López Obrador ratifies to lead the movement against the US blockade of Cuba

López Obrador ratifies to lead the movement against the US blockade of Cuba
The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, ratified he will lead an international movement against the blockade of Cuba, which he described as an offense against humanity.

Author: Radio Habana Cuba |

february 14, 2023 08:02:17

Mexico City, Feb 14 (RHC) The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, ratified he will lead an international movement against the blockade of Cuba, which he described as an offense against humanity.
In his press conference at the National Palace, the president said that the United States blockade against Cuba is inhuman, an issue that has to do with an ideological charge that nullifies the right of people to act independently and freely.
López Obrador described that with the incorporation into the list of terrorist countries, promoted by the government of Donald Trump and maintained by Joe Biden, food or medicines cannot reach the Island.
He said that Cubans living in the United States are not allowed to send support. When they put Cuba on a list of terrorist countries, he explained, it means that institutions or embassies cannot even open a bank account because they are on the list of allegedly terrorist countries. It is an offense to the Statue of Liberty, it is an offense to human dignities, he affirmed.
He recalled that in the past, under the government of Barack Obama, actions were carried out that reduced its impact, but later it hardened.
Cuba has helped other countries achieve peace agreements, but it is singled out as such due to pure ideological charges, self-interest, pure electoral politics or to obtain other concessions. We are going to try to persuade the United States to change this policy, he said.
On the other hand, in immigration matters, more and more Americans are speaking out against the practices covered by the Monroe Doctrine, but in electoral situations, other sectors radicalize their speeches by pressing to obtain more votes, they want to seize undocumented workers as pretexts. (Prensa Latina)

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Rich and Poor

rich and poor
The idea that the rich is a necessity for the economy to function is one of the most defended ideological mantras of capitalism.

Author: Ernesto Estévez Rams |

September 1, 2022 23:09:09

Photo: Illustrative
There’s a worrying sign in the University of Michigan’s survey of consumer trends: “The problem is that wealthy Americans aren’t excited, and that may signal further pain ahead for markets and the economy as a whole.” . The rich do not want to spend and, as a consequence, everyone suffers.

CNN clarifies that the top 20% income segment is responsible for up to 40% of US consumer spending, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. An economy based on consumption suffers if there is a contraction of this.

CNN is concerned about how that will be reflected in the stock values ​​of the nation’s top consumer companies: Amazon, Home Depot, among others. Per capita spending using credit cards has fallen, a bad sign for banks and finance companies.

CNN does not speak, as a possible solution to the problem, of horizontalizing consumption more, so that it is not concentrated in the richest segment. That is, make society more equitable. The idea that the rich is a necessity for the economy to function is one of the most defended ideological mantras of capitalism: without the rich there will be greater poverty.

The idea is not only defended in the US, it is constantly exported to all corners.

Disguised as unquestionable reality, the ideology of the economic need of the rich is just a myth. A myth carefully erected and cared for. The stubborn reality shows another side: the rich get rich at the expense of the poverty of others, not in favor of them. Continue reading Rich and Poor



Casa de las Américas de NY se une a la pena que enmbarga a los familiares y amigos del compañero Frank Velgara
en su transición física. Valorizamos con mucho respeto y admiración la labor aportada por este a la causa de Cuba, su lucha por la independencia de su patria Puerto Rico y su solidaridad con todas
las causas justas del mundo. Vida eterna para el compañero Frank Velgara.
Directiva de Casa de las Américas.
Jaime Mendieta
Nancy Cabrero
Gilberto Villa
Franklin Flores