Category Archives: US attempts coup d’etat

Criminal Proceedings Related to July 11, 2021: Sedition; Sabotage; Robbery with Force and Violence

Attorney General’s Office details progress of criminal proceedings related to July 11, 2021, disturbances
Given that the established time period has elapsed for defendants and prosecutors to file appeals, and those submitted have been resolved, the People’s Courts reports that 76 verdicts are now final

Author: Granma |
june 21, 2022 11:06:37






Photo: FGR
Given that the established time period has elapsed for defendants and prosecutors to file sentencing appeals, in exercise of the right that legally assists them, or because these have been resolved, we report that, to date, the Prosecutor’s Office has been notified by the People’s Courts of 76 verdicts which are now final.
The Attorney General’s Office continues to provide the people information on the legal response to the events of July 11, 2021, which threatened the constitutional order and stability of our socialist state.
A total of 381 personshave beenconvicted, including 16 youth between the ages of 16 and 18, mainly for crimes of sedition; sabotage; robbery with force and violence; attempt; contempt and public disorder.
A total of 297 defendants were sentenced to prison terms, based on the seriousness and circumstances in which the events occurred and their personal conduct. For the crime of sedition, 36 were convicted and sentenced to between five and 25 years in prison.
The prison terms of 84defendants were substituted with alternative sentences that do not imply their confinement in prison, in principle,dependent on good behavior, providing instead correctional work with or without time in prison and limitation of freedom. Fifteen of the youth between the ages of 16 and 18 were included in this decision.
It is important to point out that the breach of obligations dictated by the Court in its sentences or the commission of a new criminal act, will result in the revocation of the substitute sentence and the obligation to serve the remainingportion of the sentence originally set, in prison.
In the sentences handed down, the People’s Courts established, in each case, the civil responsibility to compensatethose injured as a result of the acts committed, and the reparation of property damage caused.
Underway at this time isthe process of executing the final sentencesestablished, and ensuringthroughout their duration that educational, coercive and preventive goals are achieved, including the reinforcement of values, rectification ofthe behavior of those sanctioned and their social reintegration.

Agent Fernando exposes U.S. trained counterrevolutionary

Agent Fernando exposes U.S. trained counterrevolutionary
Dr. Carlos Vázquez González, functioning for more than 25 years as State Security agent Fernando, reveals Yunior García Aguilera’s history as a long-time U.S. operator

Author: National news staff |
november 5, 2021 12:11:24

Yunior Garcia (left) maintains ties with the mercenary anti-Cuban mafia in Miami funded by the U.S. government. Photo: Razones de Cuba Photo: Granma
“Yunior is seeking a confrontation with the Armed Forces and Minint, we are seeing in him the creation and actions of a counterrevolutionary,” stated Dr. Carlos Leonardo Vazquez Gonzalez, on the Cuban television program Razones de Cuba, and he has the evidence. He knows that the objectives of the marches being promoted to take place November 15 are not as transparent as presented, and his actions are not isolated, or spontaneous.

Dr. Vázquez González, who for more than 25 years has been State Security agent Fernando, participated in a September 2019 workshop euphemistically entitled “The role of the Armed Forces in a transition process,” sponsored by the Madrid branch of Saint Louis University, also attended by Yunior García Aguilera, who is promoting the marches despite being informed by authorities of their illicit nature.

“That workshop was part of a project conducted by experts from different parts of the world; behind it are many organizations financed by the United States to overthrow the Cuban Revolution, such is the case of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED),” the doctor noted.

At this event, Richard Youngs, an expert from the Washington-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, gave a lecture on new forms of civic activism, espousing an approach directed toward the establishment of fundamentalist, privatizing capitalism, taking advantage of the population’s dissatisfaction, a strategy that has left its mark in countries like Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia.

According to Dr. Vázquez, participants in the workshop were mostly Cuban journalists, doctors and historians, along with Felipe González Márquez, leader of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party and President of the nation for 14 years, who in 1983 created the so-called Anti-Terrorist Liberation Groups, responsible for kidnappings, torture and murders in that country.

Continue reading Agent Fernando exposes U.S. trained counterrevolutionary

¿Por qué Cuba no es un Estado fallido y qué le preocupa más a EE. UU.?

¿Por qué Cuba no es un Estado fallido y qué le preocupa más a EE. UU.? (+Video)
No pudieron lograr el caos precursor que necesitaban el imperio y Biden, el «globalista», el que pomposamente había anunciado «el regreso» de EE. UU. y su intención de «liderar» el mundo; lo necesitaban (y siguen necesitando por lo que seguirán actuando) porque saben que sus objetivos geopolíticos son inalcanzables sin «recuperar» a la cada vez más esquiva América Latina y el Caribe

Autor: Jorge Casals Llano |
27 de julio de 2021 20:07:59

Foto: Martirena
Según reportó la cnn días atrás, en conferencia de prensa con la canciller alemana Angela Merkel, el Presidente de ee. uu. catalogó a nuestro país como un «Estado fallido» que reprime a sus ciudadanos; agregó a ello que no consideraba restablecer las remesas desde ee. uu. a Cuba, pues le preocupaba que el régimen cubano las confiscara; dijo además, por ejemplo, que ee. uu. buscaba restablecer el acceso a internet en Cuba y que estaba listo para enviarnos vacunas contra la covid si una organización internacional las administrara y garantizara que los ciudadanos promedio (¿?) tuvieran acceso a ellas; también el Presidente aseguró que el comunismo era un «sistema fallido».

Lo de «sistema fallido», aunque dicho como simple declaración y sin fundamento alguno, no deja de ser una barrabasada la expresión, lo que incluye considerar fallido un sistema que todavía solo existe en la teoría.

Pero más importante es que los principales documentos de las administraciones de Obama y de Trump (Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional de 2015 y 2017; Orientación Estratégica de Defensa de 2012; Estrategia de Defensa Nacional de 2018; Reporte Estrategia Indo–Pacífico de 2019 -reip 2019, entre otros) consideran a la República Popular China el principal rival estratégico de ee. uu. lo que no pareciera indicar que el socialismo pueda ser considerado «fallido» para quienes le otorgan la categoría de principal rival.

Además, en prácticamente todos los medios de la prensa «libre», al referirse a Cuba fue reiterada la idea de «Estado fallido» y, a coro, se dedicaron a difundir información falsa sobre el supuesto «estallido social». Claro que nada dijo la referida prensa del multimillonario financiamiento que desde el presupuesto de ee. uu., y durante décadas, ha llegado a supuestas ongs, en realidad organizaciones creadas y asentadas principalmente en Miami, para alentar la subversión y el anhelado «cambio de régimen»… en Cuba.

La política de EE. UU. hacia Cuba
No puede obviarse por ningún observador que el «espontáneo estallido» ocurriera de manera prácticamente simultánea en diferentes lugares del país y luego del periodo de «ablandamiento» iniciado como parte de la guerra de cuarta generación, considerando sus promotores que la situación del país era propicia para el golpe blando como consecuencia de:

01. El debilitamiento de la economía cubana resultado de las perversas medidas punitivas adoptadas por la administración Trump dirigidas a impedir el ingreso de divisas al país por todo concepto, incluidas las exportaciones de servicios de todo tipo;

02. Las medidas punitivas dirigidas a impedir el suministro de combustibles;

03. La crisis económica global profundizada por la pandemia, que también afecta a Cuba;

04. Las acciones dirigidas a impedir la adquisición de suministros médicos, incluidos los necesarios para la elaboración de nuestros candidatos vacunales.

Continue reading ¿Por qué Cuba no es un Estado fallido y qué le preocupa más a EE. UU.?

As President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez said: “The sovereignty of our peoples is expressed today in one’s attitude toward Venezuela.

Revolutionary Government Declaration: Aggression against Venezuela must cease
The Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba condemns and energetically rejects the attempt to impose a As President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez said: “The sovereignty of our peoples is expressed today in one’s attitude toward Venezuela. , a puppet government at the service of the United States in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and expresses its unwavering solidarity with the government of Constitutional President Nicolás Maduro Moros

Author: Granma |
january 24, 2019 08:01:22







Photo: Internet

The Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba condemns and energetically rejects the attempt to impose a coup d’etat, a puppet government at the service of the United States, in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and expresses its unwavering solidarity with the government of Constitutional President Nicolás Maduro Moros.
The true objectives of actions against Venezuela are to control the vast resources of this sister nation and destroy the value of its example, as an emancipatory process defending the dignity and independence of Our America.
As President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez said: “The sovereignty of our peoples is expressed today in one’s attitude toward Venezuela. To support the legitimate right of the sister nation to define its own destiny is to defend the dignity of all.”
Other coup attempts should not be forgotten, such as the military coup of 2002 and the 2003 oil lockout; the aggressive U.S. Executive Order describing Venezuela as “an unusual and extraordinary threat to national security and foreign policy” of the superpower; unilateral coercive measures; the call for a military coup against the constitutional government of Venezuela; the President of the United States’ threat to use “a possible military option” and the August 4 assassination attempt against President Maduro.
The acts of a group of countries and the shameful role of the OAS constitute a new, desperate attempt to implement an unsuccessful policy of regime change, which has not been imposed due to the unwavering resistance of the Venezuelan people and their determination to defend national sovereignty.

Havana, January 23, 2019