Category Archives: Venezuela verses Imperialism

Venezuela showed the U.S. that no coup can succeed against a Revolution of the people

Venezuela showed the U.S. that no coup can succeed against a Revolution of the people
Alongside the Venezuelan people, Cuba celebrates the heroic popular uprising that returned Comandante Chávez to the Presidency 20 years ago, tweeted Party First Secretary and President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez

Author: José LLamos Camejo |
april 14, 2022 10:04:22





Photo: Twitter
Alongside the Venezuelan people, Cuba celebrates the heroic popular uprising that returned Comandante Chávez to the Presidency 20 years ago, tweeted Communist Party First Secretary and President of the Republic Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, adding that the attempted 2002 coup was intended to resurrect the country’s dismal past.
The coup against Chávez was launched the night of April 8, at a reception for military attachés at the Meliá Caracas hotel, when Venezuelan General Roberto González Cárdenas silently accepted the business card of U.S. Navy officer David H. Cazares.
“When the United States recognized in Hugo Chávez an indomitable political leader who was promoting fundamental change on the continent, it was decided that the Bolivarian Revolution must be aborted,” noted former diplomat and writer Germán Sánchez Otero, Cuban ambassador to the country at the time of the events, adding, “It was a coup designed by U.S. experts.”
In his book April uncensored, Sánchez explains the motives behind the coup, recalling that, on April 6, 2002, a top secret CIA report noted that dissident military factions, including disgruntled officers and lower-ranking radicals, were intensifying efforts to overthrow President Chávez, “as soon as this month.”
The U.S. continues to hatch plots like that of April 11, 2002, and repeats the blundering of Cazares, who mistook a general loyal to Chávez as a coup leader, and was obliged confess his error.
The message that Chávez entrusted to then-ambassador Sánchez also remains: “Tell Fidel not to worry; if there is a coup, the people and the Armed Forces will defeat it.”

Venezuela le demostró a EE. UU. que no vencerán los golpes cuando la Revolución es del pueblo

Venezuela le demostró a EE. UU. que no vencerán los golpes cuando la Revolución es del pueblo
Cuba celebra, junto al pueblo venezolano, aquel memorable y heroico suceso popular que hace 20 años devolvió al Comandante Chávez a la Presidencia, destacó el Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido y Presidente de la República de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, en su cuenta en Twitter

Autor: José Llamos Camejo , enviado especial |
13 de abril de 2022 21:04:27





Foto: Tomada de Twitter
Cuba celebra, junto al pueblo venezolano, aquel memorable y heroico suceso popular que hace 20 años devolvió al Comandante Chávez a la Presidencia, destacó el Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido y Presidente de la República de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, en su cuenta en Twitter. Agregó, además, que aquel golpe de Estado pretendió sumir a Venezuela en un pasado oprobioso.

La asonada contra Chávez ya estaba decidida la noche del 8 de abril de 2002, cuando en la recepción de agregados militares, en el hotel Meliá Caracas, el general venezolano Roberto González Cárdenas, perspicaz y en silencio, recibía la tarjeta de David H. Cazares, oficial de la Marina estadounidense.

«Cuando EE. UU. advirtió en Hugo Chávez al líder político indomable que impulsaba un proyecto de cambios en el continente, decidió que la Revolución Bolivariana había que abortarla», expresó el exdiplomático y escritor Germán Sánchez Otero, embajador de Cuba en ese país, al momento de los hechos, el 11 de abril, quien opinó que «fue un golpe diseñado por expertos norteamericanos».

En su libro Abril sin censura, desentraña los móviles del golpe. Según ese texto, el 6 de abril de 2002, un informe top secret de la cia alertaba que facciones militares disidentes, entre ellas oficiales descontentos, y radicales de menor rango, intensificaban «esfuerzos para un golpe contra el Presidente Chávez, tan pronto como este mes».

Hoy el adversario planea actos abominables, como el del 11 de abril de 2002, y repite la ridiculez del gringo David Cazares, que a un general fiel a Chávez lo confundió con uno golpista, y se le confesó. También permanece el mensaje que un día Chávez le encomendó a Sánchez Otero: «Dile a Fidel que no se preocupe; si hay golpe de Estado, el pueblo y las Fuerzas Armadas van a derrotarlo».

The Guaidó case has all the characteristics of CIA operations

Juan Guaidó: From self-proclaimed President to sacrificial lamb
The Guaidó case has all the characteristics of CIA operations to overthrow governments not amenable to U.S. interests
Author: Raúl Antonio Capote |
march 19, 2019 09:03:04








Photo: Sputnik
History is full of self-proclaimed kings, presidents and governors. Many are to be found in literature, as well, and some of these real and fictitious figures marked eras, while others end up as protagonists of some hilarious anecdote or after-dinner joke.
The Bible says that Adonijah, son of Jaguit, conspired with Joab, son of Sarvia, and the priest Abiathar, to gather his followers and relatives by the Stone of Zochelet in Enoguel, and proclaimed himself king of Judah, behind David’s back.
Don Fernando de Guzman proclaimed himself, “by the grace of God, Prince of Terra Firma and Peru,” ignoring his allegiance to King Phillip of Spain. Guzman was not willing to share the riches of the mythical Dorado with any king across the Atlantic.
England, during the second half of the 15th century, was plunged into a chaos of intrigue and shifting alliances. Two irreconcilable sides, the Yorks and the Lancasters, fought to the death for the throne. The self-proclaimed kings were many, as ambitious men and women competed ruthlessly for the crown.

Continue reading The Guaidó case has all the characteristics of CIA operations