Young Cubans call for the return of the territory illegally occupied by the U.S. in Guantánamo

Young Cubans call for the return of the territory illegally occupied by the U.S. in Guantánamo
During the 39th edition of the Festival of Political Song, young Cuban artists once again called for the return of our territory, occupied by the U.S. at the illegal Guantanamo Naval Base

Author: Prensa Latina |
august 3, 2015 09:08:2













Foto: Juventud Rebelde

CAIMANERA, Guantánamo.—Young Cuban artists participating in the Jornada de la Canción Política (Festival of Political Song) once again called for the return of our territory, occupied by the U.S. at the illegal Guantanamo Naval Base.

During a tour of the communities of Caimanera and Boquerón, bordering the military enclave, participants performed and exchanged with residents, while stating their position calling for the return of this portion of Cuban soil which for more than a century has been occupied by the United States.

The Festival of Political Song, celebrating its 39th edition this year, is the oldest event sponsored by the Hermanos Saíz Association in the country. This year the festival is dedicated to the 55 years of the Casa de las Américas magazine and the local group Frontera, precursors of the professional trovador movement in this area.

The Sunday program also included a performance of the longest trova, starring guest musicians and anyone interested in joining them in this eastern Cuban city.