Category Archives: Cuba US Geopolitics

Cuba in the empire’s geopolitics

Cuba in the empire’s geopolitics
Regardless of who becomes President of the United States, the solution to the U.S.-Cuba conflict will only be possible when the empire recognizes that our island is a free, sovereign and independent nation

Jorge Casals Llanooctober 20, 2020 10:10:57

After 1959, U.S. policy toward Cuba took a hostile turn, regardless of the party that ran the government.
Although geopolitics as a field was not born until the end of the 19th century and the early 20th, in Europe, beginning with its ” crusades” and “discoveries,” and the conquest later, capitalism and the European kingdoms expanded, taking over more and more territory, which they appropriated by brutal force, in the name of God, from the people living there.

Along the same lines, but this time for purely “religious” reasons, the Mayflower pilgrims reached what is now Virginia, in the Anno Domini of 1620, the date recorded in history as the birth of a nation. Ten years later, a missionary would affirm that, by a special design of heaven, if the natives acted unjustly, the newcomers would have the right to legally wage war and subdue them.

Then the great property owners, slave holders and traders, gave themselves a Constitution that would create a republic, a government and institutions capable of serving those who held the wealth; that expanded their power stealing and massacring the native population and those they enslaved under the disguise of a model of democracy, adopting a name that explicitly expressed its destiny: the United States of America.

By 1845, the “divine mandate” bequeathed from the days of the Mayflower, would include the idea of Manifest Destiny for the country born in 1787, which did not include among its citizens either Indians, or slaves, the poor, or women, but assumed the right, the obligation, to expand, to bring freedom and progress to the entire continent, as a New York magazine columnist would affirm at the time, to become a symbol and a principle repeated generation after generation, to this very day. Continue reading Cuba in the empire’s geopolitics