Category Archives: Non Aligned Movement with Venezuela

In Venezuela, Non Aligned Movement reaffirms its anti-imperialist

In Venezuela, Non Aligned Movement reaffirms its anti-imperialist essence
During a Non-Aligned Movement ministerial coordinating bureau meeting, which concluded in Caracas yesterday, Cuba reaffirmed its unwavering commitment to multilateralism and efforts to advance towards a fair and equitable democratic international order that responds to the demands of peace and sustainable development of all peoples

Bertha Mojena Miliánjuly 22, 2019 09:07:56

Fidel representó al Movimiento de Países No Alineados en varios escenarios internacionales. Cuba obstentó la presidencia pro témpore, del Mnoal de 1979 a 1983 y de 2006 a 2009.







Photo: Joaquin Viñas
More than 60 years after its founding, the Non-Aligned Movement ministerial coordinating bureau met in Caracas, and Cuba reaffirmed its unwavering commitment to multilateralism and efforts to advance towards a fair and equitable democratic international order that responds to the demands of peace and sustainable development of all peoples – for a world, as Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla said, “that is possible if we struggle together to achieve it.”

“On the economic plane, underdevelopment, poverty, hunger, and marginalization are the result of the reigning unjust international economic order, which has been aggravated as a result of the impact of neoliberal policies,” Rodriguez stated.In an international scenario he described as “dangerous and complex,” in which the security and well-being of our nations face unprecedented challenges, and in which unity and solidarity for peace and development of our peoples are indispensable, the Non Aligned Movement must remain – by its own decision – as defined by the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution: anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist, anti-neocolonialist, anti-racist, anti-Zionist, and antifascist, “because these principles… are the essence, the origin, the life, and history of the Movement .”This is this futurist vision shared by Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro during the organization’s third Ministerial Coordination Bureau meeting, held in Havana, in March 1975.